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NBA Game Matchups

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Sunday, February 23, 2025

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1:00p1:00 PM (ET)Betting Odds Team and Offensive Stat AveragesOpponent and Defensive Stat Averages
 New York
529231.5+32537-19118-11344-89 (49%)13-34 (37%)17-21 (80%)43-11+11242-89 (47%)14-36 (38%)15-19 (79%)42-1114
530-9-45040-16117-10842-90 (46%)18-48 (37%)16-20 (79%)45-11+11140-90 (45%)13-36 (35%)15-18 (80%)44-1012

3:30p3:30 PM (ET)Betting Odds Team and Offensive Stat AveragesOpponent and Defensive Stat Averages
531229.5+32531-26116-11342-88 (48%)13-35 (37%)18-23 (77%)44-11+01342-91 (46%)13-36 (36%)17-21 (77%)45-1213
 Golden State
532-9-45029-27112-11241-92 (45%)15-43 (36%)15-21 (73%)46-13+11341-88 (46%)13-37 (36%)17-22 (78%)45-1014

5:00p5:00 PM (ET)Betting Odds Team and Offensive Stat AveragesOpponent and Defensive Stat Averages
 LA Clippers
533231+15531-24111-10841-87 (47%)12-34 (36%)17-21 (80%)44-11+21539-86 (46%)13-38 (35%)16-21 (77%)42-1015
534-4-17531-23116-11643-89 (49%)13-34 (37%)17-22 (78%)42-9-31242-89 (47%)13-37 (36%)18-23 (78%)45-1114

6:00p6:00 PM (ET)Betting Odds Team and Offensive Stat AveragesOpponent and Defensive Stat Averages
541221.5+18026-28110-11140-87 (45%)14-39 (36%)17-21 (79%)44-10-21341-90 (46%)14-39 (36%)14-18 (78%)46-1113
542-5.5-22032-24114-11242-87 (48%)14-37 (39%)16-22 (74%)44-9-21341-91 (45%)14-39 (35%)17-21 (79%)46-1112

6:00p6:00 PM (ET)Betting Odds Team and Offensive Stat AveragesOpponent and Defensive Stat Averages
537-3-15530-26114-11342-90 (47%)13-36 (36%)16-21 (79%)45-12+31541-88 (46%)14-37 (37%)18-23 (78%)42-1014
538238+13526-30117-11942-92 (46%)13-37 (35%)19-24 (77%)45-12+01544-91 (48%)14-38 (37%)18-22 (80%)45-1016

6:00p6:00 PM (ET)Betting Odds Team and Offensive Stat AveragesOpponent and Defensive Stat Averages
539216.5+6009-46108-12240-91 (44%)13-39 (33%)16-21 (78%)44-11-41544-92 (48%)14-39 (37%)19-24 (80%)48-1212
540-12.5-95028-30104-10538-86 (44%)11-36 (30%)18-23 (76%)42-11+01438-81 (47%)11-30 (37%)18-24 (77%)42-916

6:00p6:00 PM (ET)Betting Odds Team and Offensive Stat AveragesOpponent and Defensive Stat Averages
535227-10527-29113-11541-86 (47%)14-38 (37%)18-22 (81%)43-9-31342-91 (46%)14-38 (36%)18-22 (79%)46-1212
536-1-11517-39111-11742-89 (47%)12-33 (35%)16-21 (75%)44-12-11541-88 (47%)14-38 (36%)20-26 (77%)45-1214

7:00p7:00 PM (ET)Betting Odds Team and Offensive Stat AveragesOpponent and Defensive Stat Averages
 San Antonio
543240+10024-30113-11541-89 (46%)14-39 (35%)17-21 (79%)45-11-11443-93 (47%)14-39 (36%)14-18 (79%)46-1213
 New Orleans
544-1.5-12013-43110-11940-90 (45%)12-35 (35%)17-23 (77%)43-12-41444-91 (48%)15-40 (37%)17-21 (79%)47-1214

7:00p7:00 PM (ET)Betting Odds Team and Offensive Stat AveragesOpponent and Defensive Stat Averages
545249.5+20037-19123-11645-93 (48%)14-37 (37%)19-24 (77%)48-13+51642-92 (45%)14-39 (35%)19-25 (76%)43-1215
546-6-25046-10123-11245-90 (50%)16-41 (39%)16-21 (79%)45-11+21341-90 (45%)13-37 (36%)16-21 (77%)43-1114

9:30p9:30 PM (ET)Betting Odds Team and Offensive Stat AveragesOpponent and Defensive Stat Averages
 Oklahoma City
547-9-45045-11117-10544-92 (47%)14-39 (36%)16-20 (82%)45-11-11137-85 (43%)13-38 (33%)18-24 (76%)46-1217
548229+32531-26112-10840-87 (46%)15-39 (38%)17-21 (79%)44-11+11440-88 (46%)13-36 (35%)16-20 (78%)43-1114

Monday, February 24, 2025

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7:00p7:00 PM (ET)Betting Odds Team and Offensive Stat AveragesOpponent and Defensive Stat Averages
 LA Clippers
55531-24111-10841-87 (47%)12-34 (36%)17-21 (80%)44-11+21539-86 (46%)13-38 (35%)16-21 (77%)42-1015
556NL30-26114-11342-90 (47%)13-36 (36%)16-21 (79%)45-12+31541-88 (46%)14-37 (37%)18-23 (78%)42-1014

7:00p7:00 PM (ET)Betting Odds Team and Offensive Stat AveragesOpponent and Defensive Stat Averages
55137-20121-11646-90 (51%)12-32 (38%)18-23 (78%)46-11+41343-93 (46%)14-39 (36%)16-20 (78%)42-1213
552NL31-23116-11643-89 (49%)13-34 (37%)17-22 (78%)42-9-31242-89 (47%)13-37 (36%)18-23 (78%)45-1114

7:00p7:00 PM (ET)Betting Odds Team and Offensive Stat AveragesOpponent and Defensive Stat Averages
55322-35116-12142-92 (46%)16-43 (37%)15-19 (80%)45-10-21445-95 (47%)14-40 (34%)17-22 (79%)47-1112
554NL20-36109-11339-86 (45%)13-36 (34%)18-23 (79%)39-10-51341-85 (49%)14-37 (37%)17-21 (80%)45-1116

7:00p7:00 PM (ET)Betting Odds Team and Offensive Stat AveragesOpponent and Defensive Stat Averages
54921-35105-11138-85 (44%)13-38 (35%)16-21 (79%)41-11-21440-84 (48%)13-36 (37%)18-23 (77%)43-1014
550NL9-46108-12240-91 (44%)13-39 (33%)16-21 (78%)44-11-41544-92 (48%)14-39 (37%)19-24 (80%)48-1212

7:30p7:30 PM (ET)Betting Odds Team and Offensive Stat AveragesOpponent and Defensive Stat Averages
55726-28110-11140-87 (45%)14-39 (36%)17-21 (79%)44-10-21341-90 (46%)14-39 (36%)14-18 (78%)46-1113
558NL26-30117-11942-92 (46%)13-37 (35%)19-24 (77%)45-12+01544-91 (48%)14-38 (37%)18-22 (80%)45-1016

8:00p8:00 PM (ET)Betting Odds Team and Offensive Stat AveragesOpponent and Defensive Stat Averages
55931-26112-10840-87 (46%)15-39 (38%)17-21 (79%)44-11+11440-88 (46%)13-36 (35%)16-20 (78%)43-1114
 Oklahoma City
560NL45-11117-10544-92 (47%)14-39 (36%)16-20 (82%)45-11-11137-85 (43%)13-38 (33%)18-24 (76%)46-1217

9:00p9:00 PM (ET)Betting Odds Team and Offensive Stat AveragesOpponent and Defensive Stat Averages
56124-33110-11440-89 (45%)12-36 (35%)17-22 (77%)44-12+01542-88 (47%)13-35 (36%)18-23 (80%)44-1214
562NL14-42112-11940-88 (46%)14-39 (35%)18-23 (78%)46-12+31744-92 (48%)15-41 (36%)18-23 (76%)43-1111

10:00p10:00 PM (ET)Betting Odds Team and Offensive Stat AveragesOpponent and Defensive Stat Averages
56314-41106-11238-90 (43%)14-39 (34%)16-20 (78%)46-13+11541-88 (47%)13-39 (34%)17-22 (78%)45-1113
564NL28-28117-11643-91 (47%)12-36 (34%)18-22 (81%)45-11+21342-89 (47%)15-39 (38%)18-23 (80%)43-1014

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

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7:00p7:00 PM (ET)Betting Odds Team and Offensive Stat AveragesOpponent and Defensive Stat Averages
56540-16117-10842-90 (46%)18-48 (37%)16-20 (79%)45-11+11140-90 (45%)13-36 (35%)15-18 (80%)44-1012
566NL17-39111-11742-89 (47%)12-33 (35%)16-21 (75%)44-12-11541-88 (47%)14-38 (36%)20-26 (77%)45-1214

7:30p7:30 PM (ET)Betting Odds Team and Offensive Stat AveragesOpponent and Defensive Stat Averages
56746-10123-11245-90 (50%)16-41 (39%)16-21 (79%)45-11+21341-90 (45%)13-37 (36%)16-21 (77%)43-1114
568NL28-30104-10538-86 (44%)11-36 (30%)18-23 (76%)42-11+01438-81 (47%)11-30 (37%)18-24 (77%)42-916

8:00p8:00 PM (ET)Betting Odds Team and Offensive Stat AveragesOpponent and Defensive Stat Averages
57132-24114-11242-87 (48%)14-37 (39%)16-22 (74%)44-9-21341-91 (45%)14-39 (35%)17-21 (79%)46-1112
572NL35-22113-10942-93 (45%)12-35 (34%)17-23 (75%)48-14+51340-88 (45%)12-35 (35%)17-22 (75%)43-1114

8:00p8:00 PM (ET)Betting Odds Team and Offensive Stat AveragesOpponent and Defensive Stat Averages
56927-29113-11541-86 (47%)14-38 (37%)18-22 (81%)43-9-31342-91 (46%)14-38 (36%)18-22 (79%)46-1212
570NL37-19123-11645-93 (48%)14-37 (37%)19-24 (77%)48-13+51642-92 (45%)14-39 (35%)19-25 (76%)43-1215

8:00p8:00 PM (ET)Betting Odds Team and Offensive Stat AveragesOpponent and Defensive Stat Averages
 San Antonio
57324-30113-11541-89 (46%)14-39 (35%)17-21 (79%)45-11-11443-93 (47%)14-39 (36%)14-18 (79%)46-1213
 New Orleans
574NL13-43110-11940-90 (45%)12-35 (35%)17-23 (77%)43-12-41444-91 (48%)15-40 (37%)17-21 (79%)47-1214

10:00p10:00 PM (ET)Betting Odds Team and Offensive Stat AveragesOpponent and Defensive Stat Averages
575227.5+17031-26116-11342-88 (48%)13-35 (37%)18-23 (77%)44-11+01342-91 (46%)13-36 (36%)17-21 (77%)45-1213
 LA Lakers
576-4.5-20034-21113-11241-86 (48%)12-35 (36%)18-23 (79%)42-9-11341-89 (46%)13-38 (35%)15-20 (79%)43-1113

10:00p10:00 PM (ET)Betting Odds Team and Offensive Stat AveragesOpponent and Defensive Stat Averages
57714-41106-11238-90 (43%)14-39 (34%)16-20 (78%)46-13+11541-88 (47%)13-39 (34%)17-22 (78%)45-1113
 Golden State
578NL29-27112-11241-92 (45%)15-43 (36%)15-21 (73%)46-13+11341-88 (46%)13-37 (36%)17-22 (78%)45-1014

Glossary of Terms

Matchup: A link to the detailed matchup report for the game.

Gm#: The offshore rotation number for the game.

W-L: The Win-Loss record of the team.

Line: The point spread for the game.

ML: The Money Line odds, indicating the likelihood of a team winning the game.

PF-PA: Points For - Points Against; the total points scored by the team and their opponent.

FG: Field Goals made/attempted and percentage (e.g., 30-68 (44%) indicates 30 made out of 68 attempted, 44% success rate).

3PT: Three-Point Field Goals made/attempted and percentage.

FT: Free Throws made/attempted and percentage.

REB-O: Total Rebounds - Offensive Rebounds; total number of rebounds with a breakdown of those that were offensive.